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  • How can I make sure that my child has autism?
  • What did cause my child’s autism?
  • How is Autism gets diagnosed?
  • Is there any test for Autism?
  • Are there any adverse reactions possible while using Ayurveda or herbal medicine in an autistic child?
How can I make sure that my child has autism?

The presence of problematic social interactions with repetitive motor activities often points to Autistic Spectrum Disorder. If any of these are present, you should get your child to undergo proper evaluation.

What did cause my child’s autism?

Experts still do not know the exact cause of autism. Researchers say that both genetic and environmental factors play a role.

How is Autism gets diagnosed?

The medical professional, often a child psychiatrist conducts specific evaluations and examinations as part of case taking. Considering these results and case history, the diagnosis is made.

Is there any test for Autism?

There is no single confirmatory blood test for Autism.

Are there any adverse reactions possible while using Ayurveda or herbal medicine in an autistic child?

Herbal medicines being natural and organic are mostly safe in autistic children. As they have a sensitive stomach and digestive system, it is always better to follow the guidance of an expert. 

Global Developmental Delay

  • What is global developmental delay?
  • How is global developmental delay diagnosed?
  • Can GDD be cured?
  • Is GDD the same as mental retardation?
  • What is the cause of GDD?
What is global developmental delay?

It is a medical condition where significant delay is observed in the physical and cognitive development of children.

How is global developmental delay diagnosed?

It is diagnosed by a paediatric specialist after certain examinations in children under five years

Can GDD be cured?

There is no permanent cure for GDD. But with proper intervention, quality of life can be improved in such children.

Is GDD the same as mental retardation?

The term mental retardation was previously used in place of GDD. Now GDD is used to denote a wide range of serious intellectual issues with delayed development.

What is the cause of GDD?

While a single cause for GDD is not available in many cases, both genetic and environmental factors seem to play roles in GDD like premature birth.

Cerebral palsy

  • What is the cause of cerebral palsy?
  • Is CP contagious?
  • Does CP get worse with age?
  • At what age CP appears?
  • How is CP diagnosed?
What is the cause of cerebral palsy?

The most common cause of CP is the brain injury or lack of oxygen during child birth or during pregnancy.

Is CP contagious?

No. It is not contagious.

Does CP get worse with age?

Normally CP is a non-progressive disorder. The damage happened to the brain is permanent and can not be reversed in most cases, though.

At what age CP appears?

The pathology of CP starts with or immediately after birth. So, the early signs may be seen in the early months of life, like delayed or missing milestones and motor activities.

How is CP diagnosed?

Proper medical evaluation along with imaging studies like X ray, CT scan, MRI scan or EEG can give the diagnosis along with blood tests and genetic tests if needed.


  • How can I know whether my child has ADHD?
  • What are the main signs of ADHD?
  • Is there any blood test to diagnose ADHD?
  • Are autism and ADHD same?
  • Is ADHD curable?
How can I know whether my child has ADHD?

ADHD can be diagnosed by an expert professional like paediatric psychiatrist.

What are the main signs of ADHD?

Inattention, hyperactivity and impulsiveness are the most characteristic features of ADHD

Is there any blood test to diagnose ADHD?

No. There is no single test to diagnose ADHD.

Are autism and ADHD same?

Autism and ADHD are different conditions with some overlapping. Chances are high if one condition is diagnosed, the other may also be present.

Is ADHD curable?

ADHD is not curable or can not be prevented. Early diagnosis and intervention can help the child lead a better-quality life.

Learning Disorders

  • How are learning disorders identified?
  • Is learning disorder a mental problem?
  • Are learning disorders curable?
  • Do learning disabilities worsen with age?
  • What are the most common LD s?
How are learning disorders identified?

Mostly the parents or teachers identify some abnormality. With proper evaluation, a child psychiatrist can diagnose the condition.

Is learning disorder a mental problem?

Learning disorder is a condition where some areas of brain don’t wok properly or in a normal way. It affects only the specific skill or skills. The child may not be mentally unstable.

Are learning disorders curable?

A learning disability can not be cured completely. But with proper guidance and support, the child can reach the goals and perform better in academics.

Do learning disabilities worsen with age?

Learning disabilities are permanent. But an adult may find it more difficult during a huge change in life, like a job switch or an exam.

What are the most common LD s?

Dyslexia – difficulty in reading

Dyscalculia – difficulty with maths

Dysgraphia – difficulty in writing

Dysphasia- problems with language

Professional medical services




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