Behavioural Disorders In Children

What does it Means?

Behavioural Disorders in children

Behavioural Disorders In Children

  • Humans are social beings and we have certain rules and norms in society. Some children develop serious behavioural issues other than normal and age-appropriate temper tantrum, naughty gestures etc.
  • Teaching good manners to children is not easy. It needs the whole family most of the time. The child observes elders and others around and imitates most of the time. So, parents and other members should set good examples first. It is not uncommon children from broken families develop behavioural disorders and even ends up being criminals.
  • Behavioural Disorders can develop due to a number of causes. In some cases, they are part of congenital anomalies, other physical conditions or intoxication.
  • It is very important to get medical help as early as possible once you observe any abnormal behaviour.  It is not common to get a diagnosis of behavioural disorders before the age of 5.
  • It is not uncommon for a two-year-old to throw temper tantrums or a pre-schooler having problem with sitting still.
  • But such behaviours can be an early sign of a behavioural disorder or any other serious disorder in future like depression, bipolar disorder etc. Behavioural disorders are mostly diagnosed in the school going age or teenage.
  • In many cases, only counselling will not help but active medical intervention with proper diagnosis & treatment is necessary.

Common Behavioural Disorders

Most common among Behavioural Disorders are:

But there others like:

  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • Dysthymic Disorder
  • Eating Disorders
  • Learning Disorders
  • Panic Attacks

and a lot many more. The list as you can see, is a long one. Such abnormal behaviour is so annoying and at times dangerous to self and others. It is even harder to manage when they are kids as the case taking will be trickier.

But with patience and professionalism, a proper diagnosis is possible in most cases. Even some food allergies or accidental substance use may manifest as abnormal behaviour in children. So, it is always important to get it right before starting the treatment.

Behavioural Disorders i children

What we do at Jeevaniyam?

occupational therapy 1
  • We have a medical expert team who closely evaluates the child to find the cause of the problem first. We give needed attention to both parents and child for getting an accurate diagnosis.
  • We use poly herbal formulations which are completely organic and prescribed in scientific manner through the wisdom of Ayurveda.
  • Usually, any medicine for behavioural problems affects the gut and other body systems in an unfriendly way. It causes gastric problems; drowsiness and many other adverse reactions may happen.
  • But Ayurveda medicines correct the child’s digestion, absorption and assimilation while treating the behavioural disorder.
  • In that case, the physical and emotional health of the child is improved.
  • Once the child starts responding positively to Ayurveda medicines, Ayurvedic therapeutic procedures are also administered as in house course admitted in the hospital.
  • It may vary from child to child according to the condition.
  • Along with Ayurveda medicines and treatment, we also use an integrated approach with other needed therapies as per need of the child.
  • Our team of therapists like occupational therapist, child psychologist, physio therapist, behavioural therapist etc will meet the child in person and get an evaluation. A therapy plan based on the child’s condition is then executed.
  • In many cases of behavioural disorder, persistent treatment gives better outcome with an integrated approach.
  • Expert researches have shown the effect of Yoga and music therapies in the management of behavioural disorders along with medicines and other integrated therapies.
  • We use clinical yoga therapy and training to both parents and child as a part of our treatment strategy. In needed cases, music therapy is also given which help calm the mind and handle emotions in a better way.


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