Music Therapy For ADHD
Music Therapy For ADHD
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), often shows up as the inability to concentrate for prolonged periods of time, being unable to follow instructions, having difficulty completing detailed tasks and being prone to error. It can be frustrating to live with and being unable to fully focus often causes stress. However, music therapy may be able to help and may even increase your ability to concentrate. We use music in order to help you channel emotions and release them. There are two forms of music therapy. In one, you create music as an emotional release. In the other, you listen to music while performing a creative activity. Both can be done in group sessions or one on one with the therapist.
If you choose to create music, your first concern may be that you do not know how to play an instrument. However, the ones provided are very basic – and anyone can play them in an expressive manner – so there is no need to worry. Neither form pressures you into speaking with your therapist. And everything happens in a relaxing environment. Music therapy is a form of expressive therapy.
An ADHD mind has lower levels of dopamine – the neurotransmitter responsible for motivation, attention, working memory, and focus. Music activates both sides of the brain, engaging your entire brain so the activated “muscles” can work together and even perhaps become stronger. This leads to a boost in motivation and the ability to focus. Group music therapy can be both a social and physical activity. You meet like-minded people, and people who understand your condition and what you are going through. Playing instruments, you collaborate and work together to create new music. Often people develop strong friendships. After all, any neurological condition can be isolating.
At Jeevaniyam, we implement music therapy to prevent that attention deficit and hyperactivity. Music therapy aims for hyperactivity to decrease and attention span to increase. Music also soothes anxiety and stress in the body, and children with ADHD often feel anxious and stressed. For children with attention deficit disorder (ADHD or ADD), music therapy boosts attention and focus, reduces hyperactivity, and strengthens social skills.