Special Kids Aren’t That Special, But They Are Amazing
Isn’t every kid special? We think so. But what do we mean when we say, “kids with special needs”? This means any kid who might need extra help because of a medical, emotional, or learning problem. These kids have special needs because they might need medicine, therapy, or extra help in school — stuff other kids don’t typically need or only need occasionally. Special kids have the same face value as others, they also have ego, fears and anxiety and they need to be happy and hear nice things. We should treat them as normal as we treat others.
No one likes to be excluded from a group. Think back to your own experiences from childhood or adolescence. Perhaps you weren’t invited to a party you wanted to go to or were rejected by members of a social group that you admired and wanted to be part of. To be excluded from a social group can bring up feelings of isolation, anxiety, doubt, confusion, humiliation, loneliness, and sadness, among many other painful emotions.
Knowing this, it is tragic to learn that most children with disabilities are excluded from being part of a normal school program. This perspective of society should change. There is no point in mentioning kids as special kids, they are not special they are just like any other child that wants to be loved and be friends with others. Kids are not only for us to form as good human beings but also to form a good society. All children are beautifully made. All children have different talents and strengths. We need to find those and enhance those traits that the children are strong in.
At Jeevaniyam, we nurture the kids from a very young age and with our assessment techniques our team of doctors, psychologists and therapists train the children with the required therapies help the child learn new techniques and to remove blocks in the learning process.