
Special Kids Aren’t That Special, But They Are Amazing

Isn’t every kid special? We think so. But what do we mean when we say, “kids with special needs”? This means any kid who might need extra help because of a medical, emotional, or learning problem. These kids have special needs because they might need medicine, therapy, or extra help in school — stuff other kids don’t typically need or only need occasionally. Special kids have the same face value as others, they also have ego, fears and anxiety and they need to be happy and hear nice things. We should treat them as normal as we treat others.

No one likes to be excluded from a group. Think back to your own experiences from childhood or adolescence. Perhaps you weren’t invited to a party you wanted to go to or were rejected by members of a social group that you admired and wanted to be part of. To be excluded from a social group can bring up feelings of isolation, anxiety, doubt, confusion, humiliation, loneliness, and sadness, among many other painful emotions.

Knowing this, it is tragic to learn that most children with disabilities are excluded from being part of a normal school program. This perspective of society should change. There is no point in mentioning kids as special kids, they are not special they are just like any other child that wants to be loved and be friends with others. Kids are not only for us to form as good human beings but also to form a good society. All children are beautifully made. All children have different talents and strengths. We need to find those and  enhance those traits that the children are strong in.

At Jeevaniyam, we nurture the kids from a very young age and with our assessment techniques our team of doctors, psychologists and therapists train the children with the required therapies help the child learn new techniques and to remove blocks in the learning process.


Causes Of Memory Problems In Children With Learning Disorders

Learning disorder is a neurological condition that affects the brain’s ability to send, receive, and process information. A child with a learning disorder may have difficulties in reading, writing, speaking, listening, understanding mathematical concepts, and general comprehension.

There are at least two types of memory challenges called “working memory” and “long-term memory”, which might probably lead to difficulties in learning.

Working Memory: Challenges with “working memory” can lead to difficulties in learning. This is mainly because the individual may have less space in working memory for organizing and integrating new skills or knowledge.

Long Term Memory: “long-term memory” may affect factors like

  • What information is recalled?
  • The time it takes an individual to recall information.
  • Or one’s ability to remember things in the correct order or sequence.

As discussed above, challenges with working memory lead to difficulty in learning since the individual may have less space in working memory for organizing and integrating new skills or knowledge. Without a strong working memory, your child struggles to pay attention. They have difficulties organizing their time, planning activities, and taking steps to reach a goal. You may notice that they can’t follow instructions and they often don’t complete homework assignments or chores.

A child’s short-term memory loss is no different than an adult’s short-term memory loss. Numerous reasons lead to short-term memory loss in children. There are various conditions of short-term memory loss; some affect a child’s ability to memorize names, places, or remember an incident; some affect a child’s ability to articulate, and some affect a child’s ability to learn mathematics.

The main causes are:

  • Concussions and traumatic brain injuries
  • Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD)
  • Medical and mental health disorders
  • Childhood trauma
  • Poor Working Memory
  • Dyscalculia
  • Dyslexia

Noticing a memory problem in your child can be incredibly unnerving. You may wonder if their memory lapses are normal for their developmental stage or if a glitch in their memory signals a more serious problem.

If you’re concerned about your child’s memory, Book an appointment at Jeevaniyam Ayurveda Hospital. We specialize in determining the cause of memory problems with occupational therapy followed by behavioural therapy.

Our expert team includes speech therapists, paediatricians, physiotherapists, and child psychologists who can help you and your child to overcome the challenges of their memory.


Role of Ayurveda in Learning Disorder

 Ayurveda in learning disorders involve an inability to acquire, retain, or broadly use specific skills or information, resulting from deficiencies in attention, memory, or reasoning and affecting academic performance. Affected children may be slow to learn names of colours or letters, to count, to learn, to read or to write. Learning disorders include a group of disorders such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia and dysgraphia. Each type of disorder may coexist with another. Learning disorders are not caused due to physical or mental illness, economic condition, or cultural background; neither do they indicate that the child is weak or lazy.

Identifying a learning  disorder is a complex process. The first step is to rule out vision, hearing, and developmental issues that can overshadow the underlying learning disorder. Once these tests are completed, a learning disorder is identified using psycho educational assessment, which includes academic achievement testing along with a measure of intellectual capability. This test helps determine if there is any significant discrepancy between a child’s potential and performance capability (IQ) and the child’s academic achievement (school performance).

A learning disorder cannot be cured. However, with timely intervention and support, children with learning disorders can be successful in school. Parents and teachers are the first persons to notice that the child is finding it difficult to read, write or learn. If you think that your child may have a learning disorder, seek help from a mental health expert or other trained specialists for the required intervention program or therapy.

Ayurvedic medicines are most effective in treating all types of learning disorders. These medicines are made of nature’s finest herbs and are processed without adding chemics. These herbs are known to calm the nerves and result in a neurological balance in the body. Some of those herbs are as follows

  • Brahmi – Known for improving impaired mental functions in the body.
  • Mandukparni – Known for increasing learning capabilities. It is filled with stress relieving properties.
  • Ashwagandha – Known for decreasing excitatory neurotransmitters and suppressing over activeness in our brain.
  • Jyotismati – Known for increasing memory power.

At Jeevaniyam, our unique approach is done by the process of learning is explained in Ayurveda as gaining knowledge. This includes mainly four factors according to Ayurveda philosophy soul, intellect, Mind and the senses. Learning happens when these factors work together towards that single aim.


Teaching Strategies For Students With Learning Disorders

Children with specific learning disorders often have other developmental disorders too, such as ADHD. A child can have more than one specific learning disorder. Children with a specific learning disorder find a specific area of learning very challenging, such as reading, spelling, handwriting or mathematics, but do well in other areas of learning. Some may even excel in other areas of learning. Most instruction at home or in school can be adapted to accommodate the needs of students with learning disorders such as dyslexia or other learning problems. These strategies can be used to modify instruction in most subject areas to improve students’ comprehension of tasks and the quality of their work.


At Jeevaniyam, we support students with learning disorders, or a parent looking for some guidance. We use the following steps to help the child to overcome their issues.

Break Learning Into Small Steps

Often also referred to as “chunking”, this strategy involves breaking down complex information into smaller and simpler parts that are easy for the brain to digest. Chunking is said to relieve the cognitive load on the brain and engage short-term memory in a more efficient manner.

Visual Aid

Visual aids are invaluable in teaching all students, especially those struggling with a learning difficulty. The human brain can process images faster and better than it can words. Using images, educational films and other visual aids such as diagrams and charts during lessons can help students build a direct correlation between words and their meanings – making learning much easier and faster.


Memory Techniques

Revision reinforces lessons taught in class, but students may still benefit from learning certain memory techniques to help them remember how one chunk of information relates to another. Mnemonics, mind maps and even simple diagrams can go a long way towards helping children understand and remember information easily.

Appeal To Multiple Senses

To improve comprehension and retention when studying, incorporate multiple senses.

For children who are visual learners, you can try:
  • Hanging up pictures and setting up models
  • Highlighting information in different colors
  • Asking students to create lesson-based art
For those who prefer audio-based lessons, you can:
  • Listen to books on tape or read aloud
  • Watch a video with accompanying audio
  • Utilize rhymes, chants and language games
Some kids are kinesthetic learners, those who learn through:
  • Lessons with finger paints, puzzles or sand
  • Modeling objects or designs in clay
  • Using small objects to represent numbers
Tactile teaching involves the sense of touch, such as:
  • Pairing counting with clapping or other movements
  • Using a highlighter to color-code passages while reading
  • Manipulating materials, like blocks, to visualize a scene


Learning Disorders V/S Scholastic Backwardness

Many children may struggle in school with some topics or skills from time to time. When children try hard and still struggle with a specific set of skills over time, it could be a sign of a learning disorder. Having a learning disorder means that a child has difficulty in one or more areas of learning, even when overall intelligence or motivation is not affected.

Scholastic Backwardness is one of the commonest educational problems encountered in children and consists of the fact that the child’s performance at school falls below the expectations, i.e., according to the level of his intelligence.

The reasons for children having are:

Learning Disorder Scholastic Backwardness
Hereditary – It is observed that a child, whose parents have had a learning disability, is likely to develop the same disorder. Learning Disorder – Kids who are diagnosed with the following issues:
1, Dyslexia – Difficulty in reading
2, Dyscalculia – Difficulty with math
3, Dysgraphia – Difficulty with writing
Illness during and after birth – An illness or injury during or after birth may cause learning disorders. Other possible factors could be drug or alcohol consumption during pregnancy, physical trauma, poor growth in the uterus, low birth weight and premature or prolonged labour. Intellectual Development Disorder – Children who have intellectual disability can have problems in academics as taught in regular school. On the opposite end of the spectrum, children who have very high IQ scores can become bored and feel a lack of stimulation in the school curriculum lag in academics.
Stress during infancy – A stressful incident after birth such as high fever, head injury, or poor nutrition. Developmental Disorders – Autism spectrum disorder.
Environment – Increased exposure to toxins such as lead in paint, ceramics, toys etc. Emotional Disorders – Anxiety, depression and phobias.
Comorbidity – Children with learning disabilities are at a higher than average risk for attention problems or disruptive behaviour disorders. Physical Issues – Vision and Hearing problem

At Jeevaniyam, as a first step we do an evaluation by a healthcare professional which concerns about the child’s behaviour or emotions. We do manage learning disorder and scholastic backwardness with the help of ayurvedic protocols along with talk therapy, special education services and other learning development protocols which are developed in house.


Recognising & Coping with Learning Disorders

Learning disorder [LD] is an information-processing problem that prevents a person from learning a skill and using it effectively. Learning disorders generally affect people of average or above-average intelligence. As a result, the disorder appears as a gap between expected skills, based on age and intelligence, and academic performance. Many children may struggle in school with some topics or skills from time to time. When children try hard and still struggle with a specific set of skills over time, it could be a sign of a LD. Having a LD means that a child has difficulty in one or more areas of learning, even when overall intelligence or motivation is not affected.

Factors that might influence the development of learning disorders include:
  • Family history and genetics. A family history of learning disorders increases the risk of a child developing a disorder.
  • Prenatal and neonatal risks. Poor growth in the uterus (severe intrauterine growth restriction), exposure to alcohol or drugs before being born, premature birth, and very low birth weight have been linked with learning disorders.
  • Psychological trauma. Psychological trauma or abuse in early childhood may affect brain development and increase the risk of LD
  • Physical trauma. Head injuries or nervous system infections might play a role in the development of LD.
  • Environmental exposure. Exposure to high levels of toxins, such as lead, has been linked to an increased risk of learning disorders.
Some of the symptoms of learning disorders are
  • Difficulty telling right from left
  • Reversing letters, words, or numbers, after first or second grade
  • Difficulties recognizing patterns or sorting items by size or shape
  • Difficulty understanding and following instructions or staying organized
  • Difficulty remembering what was just said or what was just read
  • Lacking coordination when moving around
  • Difficulty doing tasks with the hands, like writing, cutting, or drawing
  • Difficulty understanding the concept of time

At Jeevaniyam, we use our specialized and individualised Ayurvedic approach for the treatment for learning disorders for children with LD who often need extra help and instruction that are specialized for them. Having a LD can qualify a child for special education services in our facility. A team of professionals, including a doctor, a psychologist, special education teacher, occupational therapist, social worker or nurse will constantly monitor and improve the child’s improvement in all aspects.


The Role of Ayurveda in Academic Dysfunction

Academic dysfunction and learning disability hold pluralistic definitions but possess similar effects so far, the parents and teachers of affected students are concerned. The ambiguous apprehension of parents regarding the remedial training and interventions has enforced them to receive direction from Complementary and Alternative Medical Systems (CAM). Since Ayurveda significantly outstands among CAM system in Kerala, it proves better management in children with Learning disabilities.

Learning disability [LD] is the significant discrepancy between the predicted and obtained achievement of IQ. It has been technically defined as a heterogeneous group of disorders manifested by significant difficulties in the acquisition and use of academic skills presumed to have a root cause at the level of central nervous system. Whereas academic dysfunction [AD] is defined as the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has not achieved their educational goals, that has been validated through examinations or continuous assessment criteria’s.

Some of the symptoms of learning disability are

  • Difficulty telling right from left
  • Reversing letters, words, or numbers, after first or second grade
  • Difficulties recognizing patterns or sorting items by size or shape
  • Difficulty understanding and following instructions or staying organized
  • Difficulty remembering what was just said or what was just read
  • Lacking coordination when moving around
  • Difficulty doing tasks with the hands, like writing, cutting, or drawing
  • Difficulty understanding the concept of time

Ayurveda Samhita mentions herbs for addressing imbalances in memory and attention. The regional growth of indigenous medicine gave significant contributions to the development of primary health care. Ayurveda has various treatment methodologies like dhara, thalapothicil, shirodhara, shirobhasti which were very beneficial for the children. Certain drugs like Brahmi, Shankapushpi, Jatamansi etc are safe and effective herbal options for antidepressants, stimulants, and antipsychotics which are commonly used to treat these children. Yoga and pranayama also work great for young children to improve their concentration.

At Jeevaniyam, we do evaluations by our healthcare professionals for other concerns about the child’s behaviour or emotions. We give the right referrals & treatment plans for parents, healthcare providers, and the school that can work together to find the right balance. Children with learning disorders often need extra help and instruction that are specialized for them. We have different learning modules that help them achieve their social smile.

Copyright by Jeevaniyam Ayurveda Hospital. 2024. All rights reserved.



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