
Complex Autism spectrum disorder

Autism — what we know (and what we don’t know yet)  Jeevaniyam Hospital                

 –Dr. Reshmi Pramod

“I would just like to take you through a few frequently asked questions from a parent’s perspective.

Autism spectrum disorder, First of all, when your child gets diagnosed with autism the question which comes into your mind is when will my child come out of the spectrum? Dear parents, do not panic and think of a cure or when my child will come out of the spectrum. Instead, focus on the strengths and try to address his or her issues scientifically and thereby helping him to become independent in all areas of daily living.Then what haunts a parent’s mind is will my child be able to talk.

Here you have to understand talking is different from communication. Your child communicates Chris or her needs verbally or through various gestures. Support him or and understand what he points out or try to communicate through you in various manners and understand his or her emotions.Then when a child doesn’t give even a single eye contact or when you feel your child is in her or her own world you really feel frustrated and depressed.

Do not panic as your child is able to read your mind at times far better than your typically growing child. So always be happy and be with your child, support them, and see how your child progresses day by day. For more updates stay well and get educated with autism updates and its management.”

Jeevaniyam Ayurvedic Hospital is a specialized healthcare center that provides treatment for children with autism. The hospital is dedicated to using Ayurvedic medicine to help manage the symptoms of autism in children. Ayurvedic medicine is a natural form of medicine that has been used for centuries to promote health and well-being.

Children with autism receive personalized treatment plans that are designed to address their unique needs. The hospital’s team of Ayurvedic doctors and therapists work together to develop a comprehensive treatment plan that may include herbal remedies, dietary changes, and lifestyle modifications.

In conclusion, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental condition that affects individuals in various ways. It is characterized by challenges in social communication and interaction, as well as repetitive behaviors or interests. While there is no known cure for ASD, early intervention and support can greatly improve outcomes for individuals with the condition.

It is important to recognize that individuals with ASD have unique strengths and abilities, and with the right support and understanding, they can lead fulfilling lives. Educating ourselves and others about ASD can help create a more inclusive and accepting society.

If you suspect that you or someone you know may have ASD, it is important to seek out a professional evaluation and diagnosis. With early identification and appropriate interventions, individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder can achieve their full potential and live happy, fulfilling lives.

Additionally, it is important to note that while there is a wide range of symptoms and behaviors associated with ASD, every individual with the condition is unique. Some individuals with ASD may have exceptional abilities in areas such as music, art, or math, while others may struggle with sensory processing or executive functioning.

It is also crucial to address common myths and misconceptions about Autism spectrum disorder, such as the belief that individuals with ASD lack empathy or that they are all intellectually disabled. In reality, individuals with ASD can have a wide range of intellectual abilities, and many have a strong sense of empathy and a desire to connect with others.

Furthermore, access to appropriate services and support can vary greatly depending on factors such as geographic location and socioeconomic status. It is important to advocate for resources and services that can benefit individuals with Autism spectrum disorder and their families, such as early intervention programs, educational support, and access to healthcare.

Overall, understanding and accepting individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder is essential for creating a more inclusive and equitable society. By promoting awareness and advocating for access to resources and services, we can support individuals with ASD in achieving their full potential and living fulfilling live.

Autism what we know (and what we don't know yet)


Global Developmental Delay (GDD) is a term used to describe a child who is significantly behind in their overall development compared to typically developing children of the same age. This can include delays in physical, cognitive, language, and social-emotional development.
The causes of GDD can vary and can be due to a combination of genetic, environmental, and medical factors. Some common causes GDD include genetic conditions such as Down syndrome, brain damage, exposure to toxins, and severe malnutrition. 
Speech delay is a common symptom in Global Developmental Delay  a condition in which an individual experiences a significant lag in multiple areas of development, including speech and language, motor skills, and cognitive abilities. 
Speech and language development are critical components of overall development in children and are especially important for those with GDD . \
Here are some reasons why speech and language development is crucial for children with GDD:
  • Communication: Speech and language are key forms of communication and are essential for children to express their needs, thoughts, and feelings.
  • Cognitive Development: Speech and language development are closely linked to cognitive development and can support children in developing their thinking, problem-solving, and memory skills.
  • Social Interaction: Speech and language development play a critical role in enabling children to form social relationships and engage in social activities, helping them to build relationships and connect with others.
  • Academic Success: Effective speech and language skills are important for academic success, as they are essential for reading, writing, and understanding classroom instructions.
  • Improved Self-Esteem: Children who can effectively communicate their thoughts and feelings have improved self-esteem and confidence, which can positively impact their overall well-being.
At Jeevaniyam, we provide early intervention and support which are crucial for children with Global Developmental Delay to help them develop their speech and language skills. With the right support and our resources, children with Global Developmental Delay can develop the skills they need to communicate effectively, participate in social activities, and reach their full potential.
Global developmental delay refers to a condition in which children have significant delays in multiple areas of development, including cognitive, language, motor, and social skills.
Children with Global Developmental Delay usually have difficulty reaching developmental milestones, such as sitting, crawling, walking, talking, and interacting with others.
The exact cause of Global Developmental Delay is often unknown, but it can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetic abnormalities, brain injuries, infections, and environmental factors.
Some cases of GDD may also be associated with other conditions, such as autism spectrum disorder or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
The severity and specific areas of delay can vary widely among children with Global Developmental Delay. Some children may have mild delays in only a few areas, while others may have severe delays in all areas of development.
Early diagnosis and intervention are important for children with GDD, as it can help them receive appropriate treatment and support to improve their development and quality of life. Treatment may include physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and educational interventions.
Explain how speech and language skills form the foundation of effective communication. Discuss the importance of speech production, including articulation and fluency, as well as language comprehension and expression. Highlight how these skills enable children to interact with others, share their thoughts and feelings, and engage in meaningful
The diagnosis of Global Developmental Delay is made based on a comprehensive evaluation by a healthcare professional, which may include developmental screening tests, medical history, physical examination, and specialized testing. The healthcare professional will also look for any signs of underlying conditions that may be contributing to the delay.
Early intervention is crucial for children with Global Developmental Delay, as it can help them develop important skills and reach their full potential. Treatment may involve a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals, including a pediatrician, speech therapist, occupational therapist, and physical therapist.Educational interventions may also be needed to help children with GDD succeed in school.


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