Role of Ayurveda in Learning Disorder

03/06/2022 by

Role of Ayurveda in Learning Disorder

 Ayurveda in learning disorders involve an inability to acquire, retain, or broadly use specific skills or information, resulting from deficiencies in attention, memory, or reasoning and affecting academic performance. Affected children may be slow to learn names of colours or letters, to count, to learn, to read or to write. Learning disorders include a group of disorders such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia and dysgraphia. Each type of disorder may coexist with another. Learning disorders are not caused due to physical or mental illness, economic condition, or cultural background; neither do they indicate that the child is weak or lazy.

Identifying a learning  disorder is a complex process. The first step is to rule out vision, hearing, and developmental issues that can overshadow the underlying learning disorder. Once these tests are completed, a learning disorder is identified using psycho educational assessment, which includes academic achievement testing along with a measure of intellectual capability. This test helps determine if there is any significant discrepancy between a child’s potential and performance capability (IQ) and the child’s academic achievement (school performance).

A learning disorder cannot be cured. However, with timely intervention and support, children with learning disorders can be successful in school. Parents and teachers are the first persons to notice that the child is finding it difficult to read, write or learn. If you think that your child may have a learning disorder, seek help from a mental health expert or other trained specialists for the required intervention program or therapy.

Ayurvedic medicines are most effective in treating all types of learning disorders. These medicines are made of nature’s finest herbs and are processed without adding chemics. These herbs are known to calm the nerves and result in a neurological balance in the body. Some of those herbs are as follows

  • Brahmi – Known for improving impaired mental functions in the body.
  • Mandukparni – Known for increasing learning capabilities. It is filled with stress relieving properties.
  • Ashwagandha – Known for decreasing excitatory neurotransmitters and suppressing over activeness in our brain.
  • Jyotismati – Known for increasing memory power.

At Jeevaniyam, our unique approach is done by the process of learning is explained in Ayurveda as gaining knowledge. This includes mainly four factors according to Ayurveda philosophy soul, intellect, Mind and the senses. Learning happens when these factors work together towards that single aim.

Copyright by Jeevaniyam Ayurveda Hospital. 2024. All rights reserved.



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