
Ayurvedic Perspective of Autism

To know and understand the hassles of autism, you need to be up close to a person suffering from it. One of the most difficult factors of coping with autism is that the physical and emotional behaviour of one with autism keeps varying. Hence, it makes ASD a challenging one. This peculiarity of ASD makes it one of the hardest to deal with due to its severity.  Among the researches conducted for managing ASD in Ayurveda and Alternative medicine, The Agastya protocol is one of the most renowned ones. The Agastya protocol portrays great signs of management when it comes to ASD cases among patients.

Ayurveda is the famous traditional system of medicine practised in India thousands of years ago. The word implies the science of life in Sanskrit. In Ayurveda, we have 8 links known as Ashtanga and one of the major links is known as Kaumara Brityam which deals with the health issues of kids below the age of 16 years. This link details you to have a healthy prodigy and the various regimes to be practised to have a healthy individual right from infancy. This also suggests various medicines, treatments and procedures to be done to improve health, management of diseases and mental functions associated with children.

Neuro-developmental disorders are considered as the clinical manifestation of an angry Vaata dosha, one among the mighty tridoshas or basic functional units in most cases. Though it is stated that controlling Vata is a difficult task, many medicines & therapies are there to be done in such cases. 

According to Ayurveda studies, a new era in medical science has dawned with the realization of the critical role of the “forgotten organ”, the gut microbiota, in health and disease. Central to this beneficial interaction between the microbiota and host is the way bacteria and most likely other microorganisms contained within the gut communicate with the host’s immune system and participate in a variety of metabolic processes of mutual benefit to the host and the microbe.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is characterized by stereotyped behaviour and deficits in communication and social interactions. Gastrointestinal (GI) Dysfunction is ASD-associated comorbidity, implying a potential role of the gut microbiota in ASD GI pathophysiology. Several recent studies found that autistic individuals harbour an altered bacterial gut microbiota. In some cases, remodelling the gut microbiota can alleviate the symptoms of ASD.

The gut consists of millions of microbiotas, and we hypothesize that the microbiota and its metabolites might be involved in the pathophysiology of ASD. In Ayurveda, all Psychosocial abnormalities have been included under the category of Unmada. A defective digestive and metabolic function are postulated as the root cause of Unmada, leading to systemic accumulation of metabolic wastes (Dhatu Gautama). The metabolic wastes act as systemic toxins and impair the functional integrity of the brain.

Ayurveda can give wonderful results in differently-abled children when united with supportive & integrated therapies. Proper diet, lifestyle modifications and organic herbal formulations can help the child’s body systems function in a better way.  

One of the primary treatment protocols in Ayurveda is Ama Chikilsa in which Ama means – Undigested Food Particles transformed into toxins”. In this protocol, the first step of treatment should always be the management of ama which is the root cause of that disease. This will help in metabolic correction and detoxification of the body, which in return will give the kid a better appetite and stabilize the brain stress that is created by ama.

At Jeevaniyam, with the unique blend of Ayurveda we use the Agastya protocol to manage ASD at three levels: 

  • At the bodily level starting with Ama Chikilsa which takes out the toxins and heavy metals from your body clearing channels which in turn results in improvement of the microbiome in the gut, resetting the metabolism to an appropriate manner. 
  • At the mental level by correcting the higher mental functions and correcting the brain pathogenesis.
  • At the conscious level correcting the energy mechanism or the biological rhythm.

Along with the ayurvedic protocols we also have regular integrated therapies are also performed. We also introduce dietary and lifestyle inventions throughout the treatment period that enhances the kid to face challenges and cross all the obstacles that can make them a better person in society. 


Since Autism is a lifelong condition early intervention might benefit autistic children and their family members. Many special kids are taught to cope up with their condition. They need both physical and mental assistance throughout their lives. The following lifestyle changes may help the autistic child to help both in school and socio-environmental.

Deploy behavioural technique

Working with a behavioural therapist and their guidelines will help you and your child. This technique involves rewarding the desired behaviour and the therapist put attention to enhancing those. Many studies proved that such kind techniques and treatment methods improved social, language and behavioural skills among the autism children.

Schedule the routine Mealtime

Autistic child as we said they are more sensitive to the crowded kitchen with a bright light which may induce their stress. Serving meals to the kids at the same time will help to reduce the stress. If the child is found to be light-sensitive, dim the lights. Allow them to pick their favourite food and place for eating.

Joining support groups

Support groups might be helpful to talk or listen to people who are going through the same problem. It could be a huge source of information about what services are available in your area and the provider details.

Be careful about unusual sensitivities

No one can know that what an autistic person receives from the senses exactly. They can feel a hug as an assault, whispers as roars, and clothes like sandpaper. New rules are adopted in the case of an autistic child.

Avoid distractions

The child may not be able to bear the surprise or shock and altered things from the place will upset the autistic children effectively.

Task organization

Even simple tasks must be broken down into small parts to ease their activities which may help to keep the child on track. Visual activity schedules will help them to increase their perception levels.

Pay attention to nonverbal cues

If you are a clean observer, you might pick on the nonverbal cues that autistic children use to communicate. One shall pay attention to the sounds they make, facial expressions, gestures, tired.

Create a home as a safety zone

Keep a creative and attractive room for the child to relax, feel secure. The parents need to safeguard the house and kid’s room, particularly if the child is with tantrums or self-injury behaviour.

Jeevaniyam Ayurveda Hospital and Research Center, Kerala offers a high-profile Treatment for Autistic Children. Dr Reshmi Pramod, an experienced professional in treating autistic children and her team members teach the lifestyle management for autism not only to the kids but also to parents.


The term “special needs” specify the individual program plan for the special kids which entirely differs from the normal educational plan.

AAC (Augmentative and alternative communication App) AVAZ for Autism (Augmentative Picture Communication Software for Children with Special Needs) has been developed especially for children who have speaking difficulties. Every voice is heard as such the software is developed. This full-featured app helps immensely to the therapist, educators, and caretakers to explore the maximum potential of the children. This App received many awards internationally.

Avaz was developed based on the needs by interacting with 25 special schools and 500 children. It helps autistic children to attain the most effective communication. Aspergers, Apraxia, Down syndrome and other non-verbal conditioned children are very much benefited by Avaz. The interface of this app is mainly designed for effective speech therapy to develop children language and inducing intention of communication.

Avaz’s picture symbols and high-quality voice synthesis makes the kids creating messages. The vocabularies are designed to prepare the children for spontaneous utterances. Avaz main feature is easy to customize and it contains seven high-quality Ivona voices where the own voice can be recorded.

Avaz has plenty of main features and some of them are:
  •  Exploring vocabulary with instant search
  •  Help screen on all pages
  •  Integrated text and keyboard mode
  •  Messages can be shared using Twitter, Facebook, and email
  •  Graded vocabulary on research-based
  •  Children progress is analyzed with Avaz analytics
  •  Usage of symbols and images
  •  No active internet connection (Wi-Fi or 3G) required
  •  When vocabulary is printed as a book, the child can do access his AAC device even without an iPad.
  •  Detailed support videos and tutorials

Jeevaniyam Ayurveda Hospital and Research Centre, Kerala treats special kids with autism, learning disability, and cerebral palsy. Our Ayurveda treatments are prescribed by scrutiny every child carefully and provided them based on their needs for development.


Ayurveda is one of the oldest medical treatments which is originated 3000 year ago in india. It has treatment for almost all disorders including autism without any side effects. As everyone knows autism is a developmental disorder which damage the ability to interact and communicate. Problems with understanding, verbal communication and using language, difficulty with facial expressions and gestures, inability to relate to people or surroundings and damage social interaction, preoccupation with unusual objects, difficulty in coping with change in familiar surroundings or routines are some symptoms of autism. When the western medicines fails to be effective against autism, Ayurveda has come to the rescue and it is increasingly being used for treating autistic symptoms. Ayurvedic practices is very effective in supporting autistic patients in becoming functional in managing different symptoms of this autism.

Diagnosing at the early stage and treating it improves the life of the affected kids. In ayurveda, problems with the brain is rectified and also assess the severity of autism. Later starting the treatments.

Ayurveda vs Western Medicines in autism

Western medicines are focused on treating symptoms of disease with drugs. Once drugs has stopped, the symptoms returns. Here, antipsychotic drugs are given to people with autism. But It has many side effects which include feeling stiff in your muscles, feeling restless, increased blood sugar, weight gain, increased cholesterol and dry mouth. Here comes the benefits of ayurveda. It has no side effects. And the main intention is to remove the underlying causes of disease. Once causes are removed, the disease stops. In the case of autism, it can’t be cured, But it can be controlled through ayurveda in effective way and help the kids with autism to live like other kids. Ayurveda Therapies which include oil therapy and Herbal Medicines are the treatments available for autism in ayurveda.

Jeevaniyam Ayurveda Hospital and Research Center, the Best Ayurveda Hospital in Kerala providesAutism Treatment through Ayurveda. We help in assisting special kids in every aspects of their life is truly based on sound understanding and evaluation of their biological and psychological condition.

Grabbing the Best Treatment for Autism is your rights. Make use of it by walking into jeevaniyam !!

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